Biolife Solutions (Formally Sexton Biotechnologies) has developed the Signata CT-5, a device used to automate the process of filling cryovials and cryobags for various biotech applications.
The Catalyst design team helped package the proven technology by providing several concept sketches and refinements for a functional, intuitive, and user-centric design. The design team collaborated with the Biolife Solutions Engineering team throughout the concept development process, ensuring all of the design parameters for the CT-5 were achieved.
While Biolife Solutions was refining its initial prototypes and beta product builds, the Catalyst team created product animations to communicate core product functionality for use in marketing and promotional materials. Renderings and animations were developed from supplied engineering CAD data provided by the Biolife Solutions engineering team. Catalyst was able to utilize the engineering CAD data to quickly develop realistic, high quality animations that could convey a digital story in detail to explain and market the CT-5 product while production builds were still in process.
See more of the incredible developments at Biolife Solutions.